Prosperity Balance Sessions


Establish a Loving Flow of Prosperity in Your Life.

Available Worldwide


Prosperity Balance sessions focus specifically on clearing, activating and balancing your Abundance/ Prosperity Energy.

Abundance in all it’s forms, is an Expression of healthy flowing Energy.

If you are experiencing lack or stagnation in your finances, or your personal experience of abundance and prosperity, it’s time to establish a loving flow of prosperity in your life.

What does Abundance mean to you?
Wealth, Health, Loving Relationships, Freedom to do what you Love?

When we experience a trauma or hurt, it can stagnate in our cells and in the subconscious patterns we play out in our lives. This is equally true for negative experiences regarding love, money and having our material needs met.

In addition to monetary stress, physical aches and pains, sleep difficulties, unhealthy relationships, negative emotions, self sabotage, fear of the future and even fear of success are all aspects of blocked abundance energy that I have observed in my clients over the course of 20 years.

The old energy influence of our upbringing, culture, instilled beliefs, feelings of worth and experiences that we couldn’t forgive ourselves for can disrupt our money and abundance experiences in very direct, and sometimes long lasting, ways.

It’s one explanation why often when doing everything we can to manage our resources well, make smart choices and work hard, an experience of material stress and a drain of life force energy still occurs.

Love is Energy. Money is Energy. You are Energy.
It’s time for all three to flow in harmony.

Your Session

Each session is conducted remotely. At the time of booking you will be advised of the date and approximate time of completion.

When the healing session is carried out, I record an audio of the insights and guidance that comes through for you during the course of your session.

Audio and image files are sent to your phone via WhatsApp or by Email.

Investment - AUD$60

you are not your circumstances or your past.
you are limitless energy. your future is yours to create.