As soon as you change one aspect of who you are

as soon as you change
your energy

you change your Outcomes.


Available Worldwide


For the Love of Dog… and Cat
and all our Pets


Do I need a specified Appointment Time?

Because energy work is not restricted by time or location, all sessions are carried out remotely. When your booking is made, an approximate (day/hours) time will be set when your session will be completed by and recordings sent to you.

I have a commitment on the day of my booked session - Do I need to change my Schedule?

You can simply carry on with your day as usual and set aside time that suits you, preferably when you know the big tasks of the day are complete, when you can relax to uptake the healing uninterrupted.

Clients often comment on an awareness when the session is taking place, even if they are at work for example, but connect to it most deeply when they are alone or in their healing space.

I don’t live in Australia. Can I make a Booking?

Wherever in the world you call home, all services are available to you. I work with wonderful people all over the globe, from North and South America to Asia, Europe and all over Australia.

How do I make Payment?

Payment options include Bank Transfer for Australian residents and PayPal for International clients. An invoice is emailed to you when your appointment is confirmed.

What’s the best way to Connect with and Experience my session?

Light your candles, gather your crystals, prop on your pillows and retreat under an inviting blanket - Simply do whatever feels good for you - you can’t go wrong (even if you get interrupted).

What if I don’t have a “Healing Space”?

You can set up your healing space exactly as you most like it or as you find necessary. This can include sitting in nature, holding your beloved pet on the sofa, soaking in the bath or tucked up on bed at the end of the day.

The intention of being in a receptive healing space, somewhere you can go within to receive, wherever it is at the time, is the important factor.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s about saying to the Universe that you are ready to receive. Just this simple intention will amplify your healing as it’s an act of self-care.

What kind of Healing and Skills do you use during a Session?

During each session I utilize a variety and combination of modalities including psychic, mediumship, past life viewing and a personal combination healing skill set (including Reiki) that has evolved over the past 20+ years. Each session is unique to each client at that moment in time.

Are the Sessions Psychic Readings?

The short answer is no.

The long answer is: I no longer believe in providing predictive readings. I did them in the past to great success (in terms of accuracy and depth of information), however, over time listening to client feedback and observing their outcomes, I became aware of the limiting nature of predictions.

Information I receive during all sessions comes through my psychic and mediumship (intuitive) faculties. I can best liken it to having an active conversation with your energy. I avoid using the terms psychic and medium (even though I am both) because of the old perception and energy associated with them, rather they are simply aspects of who I am.

The power of suggestion, the influence of language, how information is delivered and received, together with my study of NLP and a greater appreciation and belief in neuroscience, ultimately brought me to the decision to no longer give predictive psychic readings.

I believe there is a great responsibility that comes with delivering information regarding a clients intimate concerns and their lives moving forward, and this should never be treated lightly or as a scoring of psychic accuracy. It is something to be honoured and treated with the utmost care and compassion.

It’s important to remember, as soon as you change one aspect of who you are, as soon as you change your energy, you change your life. Predictions can expire very rapidly. When we become consciously or even subconsciously focused on a certain outcome/prediction, we can exclude and become blind to all other possibilities. The limiting nature of this is terribly disempowering.

What is Energy Healing?

Energy Healing is a good blanket name, however, I personally don’t think Energy itself needs healing. Energy is an expression, it is neither good nor bad, its more about whether it’s working for us or against us. How we work with it, transmute, modify, amplify or release it is the key. This applies to karmic energy also.

Having said that, when a redundant energy including old karmic energy is released, an infusion of high vibration energy to the affected area is incredibly healing. This is included during healing sessions and supported through the awarenesses and actions referred to in the audio recording.

Can I book a Healing for my Pet?

Absolutely, YES. The format may be modified for obvious reasons, but they will receive the same uncompromised loving treatment.

If your pet has been a bit below par, has experienced an upheaval or change in their life, are preparing for a surgical procedure or are in their senior years, an Energy session may be something you would like to offer them.

Because I love animals so very much, every week, usually Fridays, a free healing of love is sent to every pet client, whether they are a once off client or receiving ongoing sessions, all are included.

Simply select an Energy Boost Session on the contact page and make a note in the comments box of your pet’s details.

What are some of the Benefits of Remote Sessions?

Remote sessions are very beneficial for many reasons, including:

  • Because I cannot see you physically, you are assured that I am not reading your body language, facial responses or vocal tonality changes. My work is carried out 100% intuitively, it’s like I’m observing and a having a conversation and with your Energy.

  • You don’t need to travel, lose valuable time sitting in traffic or disrupt your already full schedule to attend a specified appointment time. All you need is an online connection.

  • Having copies of the images and audio recording means you can listen to and assimilate the information at your own pace and at a time that is convenient for you.

  • The recordings are also powerful to revisit in the weeks and months following your session so you can see how your life, your opportunities and most importantly how your Energy has evolved.

When you want to know what your future holds, ask yourself:
what have I been feeling and thinking about?