Karma Sessions


“If Knowledge is Power,

Knowing is Freedom.”

- Maria Last

Available Worldwide


Karma Sessions provide insight and guidance for the purpose of completing and releasing karma as well as learning and growing through karmic experiences and cycles. 

The benefit of releasing Karma is far reaching, within your own life and those connected to you.

Have you ever frustratedly thought ‘What the BLEEEEP is this all about???’

Any enquiry that you believe insight around and better understanding of, will benefit you and others, is welcome.

You will receive insight and guidance relevant to your enquiry, which you can apply in your life with the intention of bringing you closer to completing your karma - such as life lessons, evolving out of a challenge and therefore fulfilling your life purpose or an earthly mission.

Bite size digestible pieces, only what you are energetically ready for, is brought forward for you. This gives you the best opportunity to integrate the information into your awareness and also for you to be sufficiently challenged in order to act upon it and effect positive, meaningful change in your life.

All information is presented in a no drama, no fear, no guilt, blame or judgement way. There is only light shone where it is needed.

Often Karma begins to be released, or the need for it dissolved, simply by becoming consciously aware of it.

What do you want to better understand?
What would give you greater peace and assist to move forward in life?

As with all my work, the information and insights are delivered on the audio recording as they are given. My constant intention is that the most appropriate information for your highest good is delivered in the most appropriate way for each person.

Set expectations or guarantees are not possible and are not given. One session will likely not be a “cure all” however, there is the potential for it to be the catalyst that sets in motion the life path/karmic correction or change that is most needed - like a key that unlocks the door in your energy, mind and heart to allow your greatest benefit and blessings to flow through to you.

Openness, light-heartedness, non-attachment and gratitude towards yourself for choosing to take this, or any opportunity that assists in your growth and evolution, has a direct and positive influence on your session and the opportunities for fulfillment that follow.  

Your Session

Each 30 minute session is conducted remotely. At the time of booking you will be advised of the date and approximate time of completion.

I record an audio of all information, insights and guidance that comes through during the course of your session.

Audio and image files are sent to your phone via WhatsApp or by Email.

Investment - AUD$80

you are not your circumstances or your past.
you are limitless energy. your future is yours to create.